#Printing Stories 02/03/2023 The thinking person’s studio John L. Walters on Graphic Thought Facility Corporate communicationPackagingPrinting News 02/03/2023 Golden greetings Yves Saint Laurent welcomed the new year with a subtly embossed card designed by Résidence Secondaire Graphic designPrinting News 23/02/2023 Materials and metamorphosis With sustainable issues at the heart of invention, Fedrigoni introduces a new volume of Materia Viva People & PaperPrintingSustainability News 23/02/2023 Unfinished business With an affinity for print, multidisciplinary artist Dunja Jankovic reveals the power of geometric form. By Claire Mason Graphic designPrintingPublishing News 23/02/2023 Our African journey Fabriano donated 45,000 notebooks, with Richard Scarry cover art, to eight schools in Kenya. Chiara Medioli Fedrigoni witnessed their distribution Graphic designPrinting News 16/02/2023 Stamp of approval Heavy duty embossing ensures a new premium wine from Australia makes its mark Graphic designPackagingPrinting News 16/02/2023 Evolution of a design legend Packed with content, Pentagram’s 50th anniversary book tells the story of an extraordinary studio Graphic designPrintingPublishing News 09/02/2023 Mapping it out IDA studio’s thoughtful approach to its new business cards references cartography and graphic systems Corporate communicationGraphic designPrinting News 09/02/2023 Caffeinated type Updated packaging for a Florentine coffee roaster combines various typefaces to great effect Graphic designPackagingPrinting News 02/02/2023 Magazine in the mountains Forestis hotel produces a printed journal to tell its guests the story of this unique destination Graphic designPrintingPublishing