Established in 2017, Granada-based design agency Buenaventura were approached by Caviar Riofrío, one of the leading sturgeon farms in Europe, to rebrand and review their product image. Buenaventura creative duo Ramón Soler and Rafa Mateos were up for the task.
Caviar Riofrío, located near the Frío River in western Granada, was the first to obtain worldwide organic certification for its caviar in the year 2000. With a deep history starting in 1963, the company was looking for a refresh to reflect the progression of their brand.
When asked about the creative process for the striking packaging, Ramón Soler said, ‘We aimed for contemporaneity and differentiation in an industry that was largely rooted in the past. With luxury visual codes undergoing a metamorphosis, we wanted to break away from the usual conventions of caviar and be bold, without constraints.’ The result is a brand and image that brings Caviar Riofrío into a modern space – clearly helping the product stand out from others in the world of caviar.
Inspired by Bauhaus master László Moholy-Nagy’s short essay stating that typography ‘must be communication in its most intense form’, Buenaventura developed a visual typographic system based on the movement of sturgeons. This motion inspired the circular shape of the type setting. With the introduction of chromatic coding and clear naming of the different styles of caviar on the packaging, clarity shines through.
Constellation Jade Raster WS Barrier FSC™ (self-adhesive label)
Constellation Jade E33 Raster 115 GR (lined boxes)
Oikos EW 300g/m2 and 150g/m2 (editorial pieces)